The Groove 212 - The Seven Capital Sins of Art Collecting
The GrooveMaria Brito
The Groove 211 - The Power of Art Basel Beyond the Fair
The GrooveMaria Brito
The Groove 210 - The Art Market: The Most Irrational of All Games
Maria Brito
The Groove 209 - The Elusive Chase of the Contemporary Masterpiece
Maria Brito
The Groove 208 - Threads of Tomorrow: The Bold Comeback of Textile Art
The GrooveMaria Brito
The Groove 207 - A Brief History of Art Collecting
The GrooveMaria Brito
The Groove 206 - Paris Is Always a Good Idea
The GrooveMaria Brito
The Groove 205 - Understanding the Rise of the Native American Artist
Maria Brito
The Groove 204 - How to Temper Art Collector's Myopia
Maria Brito
The Groove 203 - Time to Change the Pathological Relationship Between Art and Money 
The GrooveMaria Brito
The Groove 202 - Behind the Glam : Poor Work-Life Balance at Art Galleries
Maria Brito
The Groove 201 - The Good, Bad and Ugly of Art Fairs
Maria Brito