Chic interior design is accomplished when overall coherence happens in a room.  For example, in my own apartment, chic interior design gets to be accomplished because I wanted to highlight my own art collection; every wall that has art hanged on it is white or off-white.  Obviously, with a white backdrop, the rest of the design comes much more easily in a way that showcases a very chic interior design.  Now, I do believe in color schemes in rooms for a very chic interior design. I love orange; I know it’s a color that generally requires to be controlled but it is also part of having a chic interior design so I know I can pair it off with white, brown, beige, gray or dark blue.

Chic interior design

Chic interior design

For a really chic interior design, every house or apartment must have certain coherence among the rooms; however, I’m not fixated on “themes”.  Each room should complement the whole but each room should have enough chic interior design elements including character and personality to say: “this is who I am and every time you come or pass by this is how I want you to feel” and the answer should be either happy, or relaxed, or sexy, or any good and positive feeling.  I think creating a chic interior design is like any other creative discipline: it evolves with time and changes and adapts to circumstances but certain rules like proportion, color combinations, good aesthetics and good art will never change.  So basically my rules are for a chic interior design is to live with good art and to form a coherent space that’s livable but at the same time is inspiring and fun.  I also tell my clients that for us to be able to get a chic interior design, they must be willing to be unique and be themselves.  A chic interior design is that space that doesn’t copy or repeat trends.  That’s the most important rule for a truly chic interior design!