The Groove 145 - Why There’s No Creativity Without Freedom
As we Americans commemorate today the country's declaration of independence and its fundamental values of liberty and self-determination, I started to think about what it means to have creativity in the context of freedom and progress (or lack thereof).
While it is true that the history of the United States has been plagued by a lot of inequalities, I can also say that there are very few societies that allow so many opportunities to its people, especially to those that have something creative to say in business, art, education, and science.
As someone who more than two decades ago left Venezuela, a country where people’s rights were slowly but surely curtailed, and which is now submerged in the most precarious state of backwardness due to a communist regime disguised as “social justice”, I can tell you firsthand that true creativity can only flourish in an environment of freedom. When you are free to think, express yourself, and pursue your passions, you have an opportunity to unleash your unique potential. Freedom provides the space for imagination, innovation, and originality to thrive.
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
Faith Ringgold (American, b. 1930). Freedom of Speech, 1990. Acrylic and graphite on paper. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
There are few things in life that bring more happiness and satisfaction than the ability to give life to our ideas and to have the fertile soil to see them flourish and take hold in real life.
The second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence tells us that “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
Freedom and creativity are inseparable partners that ignite the human spirit, inspire innovation, and drive progress. Freedom provides the necessary space and conditions for creative expression, while creativity, in turn, expands the boundaries of freedom, fostering new ideas and challenging established norms.
Two professors of economics, from Essex University and Bocconi University, conducted extensive research with data spanning almost ten centuries of European history between the years 1000 and 1900 AD, approximately. They found that creativity tends to precede economic prosperity, not the other way around. In other words, creative people who concentrated in places where the resources and systems encouraged and protected the freedom to create, later saw economic growth as a consequence.
The most creative societies in history depended on institutions that respected personal and economic freedoms to generate radical innovations in a variety of domains. This hasn’t changed today.
Having the Freedom to Make Mistakes
When Mahatma Ghandi was leading his nonviolent campaign for India's independence from British rule in the 1930s, he said something that is so relevant now: “Freedom is not worth having if it does not connote freedom to err and even to sin. If God has given the humblest of His creatures the freedom to err, it passes my comprehension how human beings, be they ever so experienced and able, can delight in depriving other human beings of that precious right."
When the people of the internet are given the power to call out, criticize, and often boycott or ostracize others for their perceived offensive or problematic actions, statements, or beliefs, even more so lacking the proper due process, we aren’t only killing freedom of speech, but also creativity in general.
Cancel culture can stifle creativity and hinder progress. The fear of being publicly shamed or boycotted has lead artists, writers, and creators to self-censor or shy away from controversial or thought-provoking ideas. This fear of backlash limits artistic freedom and expression, inhibiting the exploration of new perspectives and ideas that contribute to societal growth.
Failing to differentiate between genuine wrongdoing and a person's past mistakes or evolving viewpoints has the potential for society to disregard nuanced discussions and overlook opportunities for education, dialogue, and expansion. The key lies in finding a balance between accountability and fostering an environment conducive to creativity and progress.
The Importance of Boundaries
While this may sound paradoxical, it is crucial to acknowledge the importance of structures and boundaries that allow these forces to thrive without descending into chaos.
When there are no limitations or constraints, it can be challenging to channel creative energy effectively. Boundaries help narrow down the scope and provide clarity, allowing creative ideas to be more focused and purposeful. Put yourself or your team on a deadline and delineate a specific budget and you’ll see creativity soar.
Constraints force us to think creatively, to find innovative solutions within the given limitations. By working within boundaries, we are encouraged to think outside the box and come up with novel approaches.
Balancing freedom with responsibility and ethical considerations ensures that the outcomes of creative endeavors contribute positively to society. Creative people harness their freedom to explore uncharted territories, challenge societal norms, and evoke emotions that resonate deeply with audiences, disrupt established markets and drive growth.
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